Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Have Your Own Website Profit [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Have Your Own Website Profit

    Internet has begun to bloom, and crowded in 1995, the increase of Internet users worldwide including in Indonesia. Then followed in 1998 with the mushrooming of dotcoms, dotcom wide variety of information. Increasing number of web sites on the Internet manjadikan internet as a forum for information globally. Here are some advantages of having your own website:

Widen the space Promotion
    In addition to catalogs, brochures and advertisements in print media, to have a website on the internet can expand your promotional network. For the enthusiast or prospective customer / customer you can view information from your website anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Communications
    You can communicate with your prospective customer or to the Internet via email or contact information on your website. Making it easier for each other despite differences berokomunikasi a very remote location. And communications made very efficient time.

    Your site visitors can interact with your website. Interactions that can be used as dilakuka include transaction arena, discussion forums, upload / download files, and so forth. So your website rather than just presenting information alone but more than that and the benefits can be felt.

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