Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Tips for Choosing Web Hosting [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Tips For Choosing Web Hosting

    When we want to buy a Web Hosting service, we sometimes like a headache because of the many hosting services available. With any luck, we'll get the satisfaction when you first choose a Web Hosting. But what if the opposite? Luck we will not come without effort. Maybe it's time we be smart in choosing a Web Hosting service.

Here are some tips on choosing a web hosting:

1. Quality Web Hosting
    Quality Web Hosting is an important thing to our attention. Do not teriming hereafter by a very low price. Need to first check the quality of Web Hosting. For example, computer servers used force, security, access speed, etc..

2. Facilities and Features
    It is also important in a Web Hosting melilih. Inspect the facilities, whether it meets what we need. One of the important facilities management is web hosting, which includes setting Domain (our Web address). besides, if we choose Web Hosting's support for data migration or move Hosting?

3. price
    Cheap price does not matter as long as the quality, facilities and met all the above features. Actual price depends on a number of Web Hosting is what we want to lease space. But we also must be smart and rational thinking of the price offered by the Web Hosting service. Includes unlimited access to the offered price, whether it makes sense?

. Customer Support and Corporate Location
    Internet is vulnerable to fraud. Therefore you need to first trace the location of Customer Support and Web Hosting company a service. What I mean is not it means we have to visit the office, but we just call it Customer Support. If we are served well and our questions answered satisfactorily, then it is definitely a Web Hosting service that we choose is a completely professional.

Tips For Choosing A Good Domain [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Tips For Choosing A Good Domain

    Whether it's Domain?
Domain is given a unique name to identify the name of the server computer as a web server or email server on the internet.
    Domain gives easy users on the Internet for access to the server and server to remember the visited compared must be familiar with the row number or a known IP.
Therefore determine the domain to be used for your blog or website that we created in accordance with what we want

    Here are Tips for Choosing a Domain:

1. Find Domain Names in accordance with the theme of your Blog or Web
    For example, you blog about health then the corresponding instance carasehat.com Domain

2. Choose a domain name that is not too complicated but easy to remember and adjust to the target  location.
     For example: a blog about the domain Health carasehat.com. This domain is uncomplicated and easy to remember. This means the target location is the target audience of your blog later. If the target audience is local (Indonesia) should use the Indonesian domain.

3. Try to find a TLD domain. Com
    Because Domain TLD. Com Top Level Domain is the highest. If the domain you want is already used, try using connectors such as how-sehat.com. And if the domain you really want to use, then you try to use another TLD Domain. And in accordance with the contents of your blog or website.

4. Avoid using the domain name that smell sara
    You please be careful in choosing a domain, your domain Do not use words that are offensive statements or the like. As this will cause your blog or website will be blacklisted by the search engines that will ultimately have a negative impact on visitor traffic.

5. Find the domain of SEO Friendly
    If your domain is in conformity with the theme of your blog or website so now you think that your domain SEO Friendly as this will facilitate terbacanya blog and pages on search engines.

Tips Internet Browsing [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Tips Internet Browsing
    At the moment we are browsing, maybe a friend had a problem such mnegalami a super slow connection problems or other safety concerns. nah mate certainly upset with this issue, to avoid it we find in the compulsory internet browsing tips, tricks, so that in using the internet more leverage.
Here are tips, tricks internet browsing

1. Cache Settings
    One of the tips, browsing tricks is to Make Drain cache, maybe this step has not been done. Because when you visit one web page, the data is always stored in a cache (temporary storage) on your hard disk. Then when you open the page again, then the data will always be added to the cache, and the browser will display the page cache is better than than to copy downloaded from the web server.
File cache was to be executed, before connecting to the server from the web page when the web page is busy. Once you can access the page will be added in the cache.
To clear the cache in Netscape Communicator:
- Click on "Preferences" from the edit menu,
- Open the "advanced category", Highlight sub category cache.
- Then click the "clear memory cache" and "clear disk cache".
For users of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE),
- Select the menu "tools", select Internet options ".
- In the city dialog, select the "general tab page",
- Click the "delete files".

2. Use of History
    Browsing on the second trick tips by leveraging the use of history. On the web page data contained in the cache, which is stored inside the recording list of names and URL or English people call it "Universal Resource Locator" (Internet address) on every site you visit. You can also use the history list to return directly to the site.
To delete a history list on the communicator
- Click "edit", select preferences, highlight the category navigator,
- Click the clear history.
While in internet explorer
- Click on tools, select internet options,
- Select the General tab and click clear history.
Settings can also be done in order to keep track history for some time according to need.

3. Time Out
    Many ISPs (Internet service providers) that uses a monitoring system for automatic dial-up connections disconect. This is done ISP to load the latest messages every 20 minutes. Such messages could be news or e-mail. If you stay active, it will usually occur separation (disruptive) between the active site is the site of the revised ISP every 20 minutes. That way you always do the refresh.
To avoid this, you can set up e-mail application to do the checking every 10 or 15 minutes.
On the communicator,
- Open the preferences dialog box, double-click the category of mail and newsgroups.
- Highlight the sub category of mail servers.
- Create keneksitas mailpada filed incoming mail servers.
- Then click the edit button.
- In the next dialog box, click the check-box-check for mail every minutes.
- Set to always check every 10 or 15 minutes.
On IE can set options in the dialog box and check for new search options masseges every-minutes.
On microsoft outlook, look for the mail delivery tab, the dialog box options.
For Microsoft Internet mail, settings can be done in the read tab on the dialog box options.

4. Security
    Paa netscape and microsoft usually offers securiy protection, both of which also supports standard security and protection when online. For example, you click the security button on the communicator's standard toolbar buttons to locate the original site, when the page is cached locally then the page will be updated following the specifications of another site. Click on the button where you conduct transactions online. For internet explorer, you can set up security configuration. You can choose from low, medium-low, medium, and high security setting, to get the full security you can choose a high setting, if you do not want to use the full security, you can use low and medium settings.

Understanding Of The Website [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Understanding Of The Website

    What is Website? - The website is a page of information provided via the Internet that can be accessed around the world for the network connected to the Internet. Website is a component or set of components consisting of text, images, sound animation that is more of a media information of interest to visit. Broadly speaking, the website can be classified into 3 parts:

1. Static website
2. Dynamic website
3. Interactive website

    Static websites are web pages that have not changed. It means to make changes to a page is done manually by editing the code structure of the website.

    Dynamic Website is the website of the structure is intended to update as often as possible. Usually, the main addition that can be accessed by users in general, also provided a backend to edit the content of the website. Common example of a dynamic website or web is a web news portal in which there are facilities news, polls and so forth.

    Interactive is a web site that now it is booming. One example of an interactive website is a blog and forum. On this website users can interact and collide into an argument about what they thought. Usually websites like having a moderator to arrange the topics discussed are not out of line.

Know Telnologi Hybrid [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Know Telnologi Hybrid

    Hybrid certainly a word that is not foreign to us, meruakan a hybrid concept combining two or more sources of energy to achieve a efisiensidalam various things. This has been rife in recent issues arising out of fuel (fuel oil), which had been due to an increase in early April of this but did not. actually personally it was time the fuel price hike and it's time we also look for other alternative energy that can replace petroleum as an energy source. Later came the idea that the government will encourage entrepreneurs and researchers to produce electric cars, one of the LHA's called Hybrid technology, in addition to electricity previously unheard of issues that the replacement of fuel with CNG is also one form of implementation of Hybrid technology.

    God created the universe and everything in it and every inch of this universe has its own function. if we remember our lesson when we were in elementary school or junior high school course, we know there are two types of natural resources, namely natural resources renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. hybrid technology is a renewable natural resource use and certainly more environmentally friendly, abundant sunshine, abundant water air infinite often we forget to make as our new energy sources and energy is only applicable to hybrid cars and the automotive field alone? ? of course not, following the example of the application of energy in the life of Hybrid Households:

Cooking: Hybrid can replace kerosene, firewood is by using an electric stove or solar cooker or who currently have waged the use of gas stoves (LPG) Power: past PLN is still using fuel as a power plant, can now be combined with solar cells, wind power, and much more.

Transportation: reduce the use of private vehicles using the bike, if indeed we can use the vehicle for the use of electric vehicles meodivikasi and probably many more examples of using the Hybrid technology, core technology with a touch of all the problems can be resolved

Know The Thin Client Network [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Know The Thin Client Network

    Thin Client is a centralized computer network, the user is using a computer with specs
minimum run applications, use of data and the server computer. The concept is similar to the centralized mainframe technology that uses the terminal ASCII / ANSI. The difference is, the thin client using Windows, full color, complete with mouse, fonts and even voice.

    The main advantages of thin clients are: ease of maintenance with a single administration is only done through the server, such as the installation / update the application, the determination of users, disk quotas, system security and users are free to use any computer, it can even be accessed directly from the Internet, if the server is connected to Internet. This facilitates the use of thin clients outside the office, branch offices, kiosks, point of service without requiring conversion of existing applications, for example by using Java, Web and so forth.

    The second advantage is that it can use existing computers (DOS / Windows 31/Windows95):
with or without hardisk.Kedua this advantage, leading to a reduction in administrative costs that are usually done perkomputer. Also obtained an investment savings, ie, no need for upgrade or replacement of the existing computer or if you buy a new computer can be a minimum specification (16MB RAM, no hard drive).
    The main key to success lies in the use of thin client Server: the server specifications with consideration of the determination of user load, application used, the desired speed and reliability (contingency plan). Some studies, showed 35-57% cost savings compared with using regular computer network. Suppose taken thin client savings 35%, compared to using a computer network computer network biasa.Investasi usual; H / W / S / W, network, upgrade, costing $ 9,000 4), the savings obtained $ 9,000 x .35 = $ 3.150 savings per year or $ 263 per month or USD 2.63 million/computer If using a new thin client computer (Compaq, IBM, Dell), worth USD 6 million, then within 21/2 months already behind the Capital.

Have Your Own Website Profit [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

Have Your Own Website Profit

    Internet has begun to bloom, and crowded in 1995, the increase of Internet users worldwide including in Indonesia. Then followed in 1998 with the mushrooming of dotcoms, dotcom wide variety of information. Increasing number of web sites on the Internet manjadikan internet as a forum for information globally. Here are some advantages of having your own website:

Widen the space Promotion
    In addition to catalogs, brochures and advertisements in print media, to have a website on the internet can expand your promotional network. For the enthusiast or prospective customer / customer you can view information from your website anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Communications
    You can communicate with your prospective customer or to the Internet via email or contact information on your website. Making it easier for each other despite differences berokomunikasi a very remote location. And communications made very efficient time.

    Your site visitors can interact with your website. Interactions that can be used as dilakuka include transaction arena, discussion forums, upload / download files, and so forth. So your website rather than just presenting information alone but more than that and the benefits can be felt.

How To Secure WordPress Blog [Bhs.Inggris Bisnis 2]

How To Secure WordPress Blog

    Often we see some blog / website famous in Indonesia claimed that the blog / website they have been hacked by parties who are not responsible, or so-called "hacker". Therefore, the security of your blog / website should be considered for the sake of database security blog / website. Here is how to secure wordpress blog from hackers:

1. Login encryption
    Each time the SOB tried to log into the admin page, the password will be sent by unencrypted. If SOB was in the public network, hackers can easily 'sniff out' data logging using a network sniffer. The best way is to encrypt the login is the Chap Secure Login plugin. This plugin adds a random hash for the password and login authentication with the TCP protocol.

2. Stop brute force attack
    Hackers can easily crack your login password and credential using brute force attack. To prevent that from happening, SOB can install the login lockdown plugin. This plugin records the IP address and timestamp of any who tried to log into your wordpress and failed. After several failed attempts are detected, it will automatically disable the login function to all requests from the IP in question.

3. Use strong passwords
    Be sure to use a strong password that is difficult for others to guess. Use a combination of numbers, special characters and combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters.

4. Protect your wp-admin folder
    Wp-admin folder contains all the information is important and is the location that there should be no one who can access it. Use AskApache Password Protect to protect directories with a password and grant access only to authorized admin only.

5. Remove Wordpress version information
    Almost all of the wordpress theme WordPress version information in the meta tag.Hacker can easily get hold of this information and make proper plan of attack.
Since wordpress 2.6, wordpress version is automatically entered in the Wp_head, to handle sob should install the plugin WP-Security Scan plugin.

6. Hide your plugin folder
    Try to open the blog url sob like this: http://domainkamu.com/wp-content/plugins, if it still looks a list of plugins that you use, upload a blank index.html file to the plugin directory.
Make it with notepad: right click >> New >> Text Docoment then save it as index.html.

7. Username and email address

    Do not use the default username "admin" as login and do not use the email that has been in the know the username lain.Buat difficult and different from the name of the author wearing a sob.

8. Always update
    Regularly updated and all the wordpress plugin if there is a warning. WordPress and plugins that do not update very vulnerable to hackers.

9. Regular database backups

    No matter how safe the blog sob, prepare for the worst things. Install the plugin wp-database-backup and schedule it to backup the database every day.
10. Define user access rights
     If more than one admin on the blog, can install a plugin sob-manager role to determine the ability of each user group.

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Comfortable driving position and Safe Driving Make When Using the Right.

Comfortable driving position and Safe Driving Make When Using the Right.

     At sberkendara not just zig-zag and braking techniques are the focus of attention is important for motorists in the form of tactic also determine the position of driving safety and driving comfort. With the correct driving position makes the maneuver or when braking, the motor remains stable and does not twist.
some things you should know in order to achieve the correct riding posture. It is the eyes, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.
     Each organ does have its own function. A correct view must be far away. With a broad view will allow the driver to anticipate another object in the road. Eyes should be able to see much.
In driving, should, shoulders relaxed contrived. Do not tense because it will make the ride comfort will be reduced. In the end, the body becomes tired and exhausted. Fatigue, which will reduce the concentration in driving.
     Not only that, a straight elbow angle can also make a hard driver in maneuvering. Motion of the handlebars to the left and right will look stiff. Even so, the elbow is not too straight. Ideally the right angle at 120 degrees, thus, the hand grip to the handlebars will move much more powerful. And of course, does not make a loss so that an easy learning curve. Middle finger of the hand holding the handle, and thus will allow the rider to operate the gas handle, brake, clutch, switch and other switches. The handle in the middle is also much more sturdy than just holding the handlebar end only.
     The sitting position also affects the hips of the rider. Sitting too far away from the handlebars will also not good. Similarly, if too close. Mainly on the type of motor sport, ideally the knees should be tucked into the tank. When cornering or turning, it will be easier to position the rider. Foundation brakes and gears must also be perpendicular to the leg. This is done solely to anticipate, in the event of sudden braking. That way the rider can just walk on the lever.

Variations dangerous for motorcycles

Variations dangerous for motorcycles
     The users of vehicles especially two-wheeler motorcycle does not hurt to attach accessories to the vehicle so that its appearance looks good, but probably could have disturb the comfort and reduce safety. Especially when making these accessories are made from good quality materials are not inconsistent with a material that is equivalent to the original, should avoid use of such accessories. some examples of accessories on the market that violates the rules do not correspond with the original spare parts accessories include:

1. Handgrip aluminum / chrome 
     Handgrip serves as a set of gas (engine speed). Grip is made with aluminum material is against the rule because this material with a slick permukaananya will make the rider to control the gas when your palms sweat.

2. Elevator shock 
     Shock elevator made of iron through the welding process in a way that serves as a shock a lot of improvement in the market. Shock a lot of improvement in the market are made with low quality materials, easily corroded even easily broken.

3. Footstep (stamping feet) 
     Footstep (stamping feet) a lot of accessories are also sold in the market functions as a footrest, but these accessories in the market did not match the original, these accessories are the materials used to make not wearing good quality may even injure ourselves because of its very rough form the footstep.

    maybe it was just a few examples of dangerous accessories market, of course, if we modify the vehicle would have to look very comfortable not to injure ourselves later.

Task 5 - 8 : Bhs. Inggris Bisnis 2 [Adjective Clause, Example, Article and Exercise ]

Adjective Clause
     Adjective clause is a clause that functions as a adjective. As we have seen, adjectives are words that describe nouns. Thus, it also serves as an adjective clause, which gives details on the noun. Adjective clauses beginning with relative pronoun or relative adverb.
Here are some examples of adjective clause:

A. Adjective clause with relative pronoun
Example: The Man Who is sitting over there is my father.
The book the which you bought yesterday is very interesting.
This is the place that i visited some years ago.
Mr. Edi Whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.

B. With a relative adjective adverb clause:
This is the reason why she did it.
The time when the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.
Palembang is the place where I was born.

In the examples above we can see that the adjective describes the noun clause is in front of him (antecedent).
For example:
Adjective clause Who is sitting over there to explain the noun man.
Adjective clause why she did it explain the reason nouns.

Adjective clause is used to provide information, identity, and other information to the noun (antecedent). The Adjective Clause structure is characterized by relative pronouns, namely: who, whom, Whose, which, when, where, why, and that.

Who: used for people in the position of the subject (human as subject).
Whom: used for people in the position of the object (human as object).
Which: used for objects, either in subject or object position (non-human as subject / object).
That: is used as a substitute who, whom, or which.
Whose: used for ownership. When: used for time.
Why: is used to cause.
My English teacher is the man WHO Is standing near the pillar.
The house where I live is being rdwvated.

Adjective clause is divided into two kinds, namely:
1. Important (defining) adjective clause, adjective clause is that is important information for the antecedent.
2. Unimportant (undefining) adjective clause, adjective clause is that the information that is important for the antecedent.
Important: Bob's brother That (WHO) lives in New York is an actor.
Meaning: Bob has more than one brother.
Unimportant: Bob's brother, WHO lives in New York is an actor.
Meaning: Bob has only one brother.

Important in the adjective clause, relative pronoun, such as: who, whom, the which can be replaced with That, while the adjective clause is not unimportant.

Example a part of the article containing adjective clauses (bold, italic, underline)


     The motherboard is a complex printed circuit board (PCB), the which is the center of the electronic systems, ESPECIALLY computers. They are alternately known as the mainboard, system board, or the logic board (Apple Computer). A motherboard is a platform That offers electrical connection through other components of a computer to Communicate, and also has a central processing unit (CPU), commonly Referred to as the brain of the computer. The motherboard is also present in the phone, clock, stop watch, etc. The motherboard includes many Important components of a computer Such as a microprocessor, main memory, chipsets supporting microprocessors That Provide the interface Between the CPU and other external components. Device is revolutionizing the way computer systems are designed. Previous versions of the confusing and time consuming. Some of the Things the which currently includes the motherboard is:
1. Socket for the microprocessor
2. Slot where the main memory (Random Access Memory) installed
3. A chipset the which forms an interface Between the CPU, main memory and around the bus
4. BIOS (Basic Input / output system)
5. Expansion card slot, etc.

 Questions and Answers of the excercises

 1. Q: I talked to the woman she was sitting next to me
     A: I talked to the woman sitting next to WHO was me
 2. Q: I have a class it begins at 8:00 am
     A: I have a class the which begins at 8:00 am
 3. Q: The man called the police his car was stolen
     A: The Man Whose car was stolen called the police
 4. Q: The building is very old he lives there
     A: The building where he lives is very old
 5. Q: The woman was ms Silvy I saw her
     A: The woman whom I saw was ms Silvy

Referensi :

Senin, 09 April 2012

Task 3 and 4 : Bhs. Inggris Business 2 [ Active & Passive Sentences ]

Passive sentences or commonly known by the word passive voice or Passive Sentence or there is also a call Passive Forms. In a nutshell definition of Passive Voice mean a transitive verb form of which is the subject of English grammar sentences act as a 'patient', ie that receives the action of a job.

Passive sentences are generally contrasted with the phrase Active or commonly known as the Active Voice, this phrase means a form of transitive verb where the subject of the sentence acts as an 'agent', or the action of a job.

1. Active Sentences
In an active sentences, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb. The active sentences of a verb simply denotes the form of the verb used when the subject is the doer of the action.

In the active sentences, the object receives the action of the verb:

Another Examples :
1. dudi washes the car everyday
2. they are lifting the stones
3. I will buy a bag
4. we sold the car last month
5. they have painted their house blue
6. she had posted the letter before she came here
7. she has been reading a book for 5 house
8. mirna writes a letter for her brother every month
9. the doctor is examining the patient at the moment
10. the rich man will sell his luxurious house to pay for his debt

2. Passive Sentences
The passive voice of a verb is the form of the verb is used when the subject is being acted upon rather than performing the action. In a passive voice, the subject of the sentence is affected by the action of the verb. The passive should only be used if the focus or importance is required for the receiver of the action.

The passive sentences is less usual. In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb:

Another Examples :
1. the car is washed by dudi everyday
2. the stones are being lifted by them
3. a bag will be bought by me
4. the car was sold last month
5. the house has been painted blue by them
6. the letter had been posted before she came here
7. the book has been being read for 5 house
8. a letter for mirna’s brother is written by her every month
9. the patient is being examined by the doctor at the moment
10. his luxurious house will be sold by the rich man to pay for his debt

The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb:

Pattern of Active and Passive Sentences In Some Tenses

The Following Paragraph is an Example of the Use of Passive Voice

A most unusual and exciting event happened to me about twenty-seven years ago, the year I worked as a camp flunky in the high Arctic of Canada. My job that year was as assistant to the cook, so you can imagine the work I had to do. One day, after the dishes were finished, the tables set, and the potatoes peeled for supper, I heard a strange sound. The sound, like a low rumble, was coming from over the hill, I thought, so I walked around the lakeshore to have a look. As I crested the hill, I saw a sight I will remember as long as I live. The rumbling sounds were made by a huge herd of caribou crossing the tundra that day and, as I got closer, I heard something else: grunting sounds much like those made by pigs. The landscape was alive with animals, a brown sea of them stretching from one horizon to the other. More remarkable, still, was that it was only the first day, the day the caribou began passing our camp. Night and day, for more than a week, the great herd passed by us, more than two hundred thousand animals in all. I have only one regret after all these years, however that I had no camera with me those days, and so this unusual and exciting event lives on only in memory.

Source : Englishclub , English-Zone , Sentencemaster , palc.sd40.bc.ca , andriyani22.blogspot.com

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Task 1 and 2: Bhs. Inggris Business 2 [Subject - Verb Agreement with Examples]

Subject - Verb Agreement

That word is a verb describes the action or actions performed by the subject. If the verb in the singular (singular), the subject must also be in the singular; when the verb in the plural (plural) then the verb must also be in the plural. If the subject of the first, second, or third, adapted verb forms. Between subject and verb agreement is called. Consider the Following example:
1. The manager meets the visitor in his office.
2. The managers meet the visitors in their office.
In the first sentence of the third person singular subject Followed manager for the third person singular verb meets.
In the second sentence of the third person plural subject managers Followed the third person plural verb meet.
The Addition of the suffix on the subject -s/-es That second sentence above indicates the subject is a plural noun. Not subject to the Addition of the first sentence indicates -s/-es That the subject of a single noun.
Finally, in the form of the verb That -s/-es adding the singular verb. That verb is not accompanied by the Addition of plural -s/-es. APPLIES This provision only in the present tense verbs only.
Singular Singular pronouns are classified as follows. If the subject line the position of the singular verb is used.


1.The elevator worked very well yesterday.
2.The elevators worked very well yesterday.

1. Jason had gone before Annie arrived.
2. Jason and Andrew had gone before Annie arrived.

1. My mother will go to Bali tomorrow.
2. My mother and my father will go to Bali tomorrow.

1. Avril would have passed the test if she had studied well.
2. Avril and Julie would have passed the test if They had studied well.

In the examples above, we see that the subject was immediately followed by a verb. Next, let's discuss the subject-verb agreement when the subject is separated by a propositional phrase or by the expressions (expression).

A. Subject - verb agreement when it is separated by a propositional phrase

If the subject with the verb are separated by a propositional phrase (two or more words are preceded by a preposition), propositional phraseini no effect on the verb. Of particular interest is what the sentence subject. If his subject is singular then the verb must also be its singular, whereas if its subject-verb plural then it must also be plural.

Singular subject + (propositional phrase) + singular verb
Plural subject + (propositional phrase) + plural verb

1. The study of languages is very interesting. (Singular subject)
2. Several theories on this subject have been debated. (Plural subject)
3. The view of these disciplines varies from time to time. (Singular subject)
4. The danger of forest fires is not to be taken seriously. (Singular subject)
5. The effects of that crime are Likely to be devastating. (Plural subject)
6. The fear of rape and robbery has Caused many people to Flee the cities. (Singular subject).
7. The boys in the room are studying (plural subject).

B. Subject - verb agreement when it is separated by together with, along with, as well as

In addition to the above propositional phrases, expressions such as together with, along with, accompanied by, and as well as, nor does it affect the verb.

together with (bersama-sama dengan)
along with (bersama sama dengan)
accompanied by (ditemani oleh)
as well as (begitu juga, dan)

1. The actress, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight.
2. Mr. Andre, accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight.
3. My wife as well as I is a volleyball player.

Together with the use, along with, accompanied by, and as well as, in a pattern like this only adds additional information. If the expression is omitted, the core meaning of the sentence is not changed, namely:
1. The actress is going to a party tonight.
2. Mr. Andre is arriving tonight.
3. My wife is a volleyball player.

Conversely, if the conjunction 'and' is used to replace the above expressions, the verb was changed to plural.
1. The actress and her manager are going to a party tonight.
2. Mr. Andre and his wife and children are arriving tonight.
3. My wife and I are volleyball players.

Source :